Thursday, December 27, 2007

found it!

i thought i lost my memory card reader for my camera and i didn't! i found it tonight! that makes me really happy. i can start snapping photos again until i get my new one! i kept saying that i was gonna post pics thats cuz i kept hoping i was gonna find it! and well. I DID! now, i'm just waiting for drew to fix that computer he bought from the flea market and i can start doing everything on it! he bought this computer right...well...its not working. it was working when we bought and now, its not. the only thing drew said he did was exchange motherboards. so. since i dont know anything about computers i cant really help him. i just would like for it to work! ill be going from a 22'' widescreen monitor to a HUGE 15'' dinosaur monitor! drew says i'll get a flat screen soon...uh huh! sure!!!

*edit* the tree is half naked because of my kids! couldn't keep their hands of the tree!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

christmas review

i'm glad that it is over!! now all i have left to do is, get all the toys out of packages, throw out the trash and do the dishes from last nights dinner! its a little overwhelming but ill get it done!
okay these are the events that happened over the last couple of days!

23rd - after going out to bestbuy and that fiasco of losing my phone, i helped drew with some of the computer stuff and then wrapped presents until about 2am. well, right when i hit the pillow alex woke up screaming and crying. i picked him up and he felt SUPER hot! so i gave him some tylenol and tried to get him to take a bottle. he didnt want it. so i laid down with him on the couch and scratched his back, rubbed his lil shoulders..just trying to make him feel okay. well he was tossing and turning and finally settled on lying on his belly. well....that must of been the point in time where whatever was causing him to feel good was going to come up and onto me. he threw up EVERYWHERE! in my hair, my clothes, the couch, him, the floor. it was everywhere. nastiest smell ever. i would take a hundred of his poopy diapers ANY day over that smell. i almost threw up myself. it was nasty! so after that i finally got him to go to sleep after a long time! he woke up again at like 545am so i didnt get much sleep that night!

24th (christmas eve!) - got up, started laundry. got the kids and the dog to venture to the store. to get things to make my devilled eggs! for some reason everyone loves my devilled eggs. i don't put anything special in em or do anything different! i just dont put mustard in it. just mayo, salt and pepper. thats it. with paprika sprinkled on top! anyway! 3 oclock rolled around and i had to head out to the father in laws house! we ate there and then had to leave to be at my mother in laws house by 6 so we didn't get to open presents with them till later on in the evening.

at noras we did the eating thing and the opening of gifts thing...just like every year! it was a good turn out! i got pj's fuzzy socks, candle, money, movie tickets, christmas decor, i think that was it over there! anyway! after we left nora's we were going to stay the night over at my father in laws so i got things read for staying the night. drew invited our friends jennie and vince to come hang out with us over there. we had intentions of drinking but we didn't. lol. i had a drink sitting there not get drank...thats sad! anyway at midnight we opened our presents. i got a scarf, hat and gloves. drew got cologne, a nautica pj set and candy. anabelle and alex got spoiled!! (speaking of which ashley still has presents to open from them). lol! so after hanging out for a while we decided we wanted to sleep in our own beds. so we came home! got to bed late AGAIN and alex WOKE UP AGAIN!! ugh!! i needed sleep BADLY for christmas day. i had a ton of things to do!!

25th (christmas) - WOKE up and the first thing i start doing is CLEANING! oh i cleaned my house from top to bottom. it took me alllllll day. my lower back is just killing me! after cleaning i make the potatoes and my nephews showed up early! and then after that everyone started showing up! it was my mom, dad, brother, his girlfriend and her 3 kids, my sister, her husband and my 2 nephews, drew, the kids and i. so it was a house full but FUN! it was a great turn out. i was very pleased! anabelle, alex and ash were all spoiled!! its great! but where are all of these toys gonna go?!?! i got a gc to target!! a purse, scarf and hat set, a shirt from aeropastle (sp) and this AWESOME AWESOME collage of pictures. my sister made it for me. its of her and i growing up. i cried! it really touched my heart! i will take a picture of it and post as soon as i can!
it was just a great time! just really nice to have the family together! it wasn't all of the family but it was still nice!

well that was my long long story of christmas eve/day! now all i have left is getting things organized and cleaned and then SHOPPING!!!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

somewhat of a weekend review

friday - wasn't very eventful, just stayed in and bored myself with watching the polar express 50 million times! drew came home late last night and so i got to bed late!! urgh, i'm never going to get caught up on my sleep!

saturday (today) - so far i've been doing nothing, but we are getting out in the blizzard we are getting hit with right now to pick up some stuff from my parents house, drop the kids off at my mother in laws house, THEN go shopping! i'm not sure how well it will go! drew is still sleeping, he may see the blizzard and decide not to get out. but he does love driving in this crap! not me!

sunday - so far is filled with no fun activities. if drew decides not to get out in this weather today then we will venture out tomorrow! update will come later! i'm just bored and wanted to post!



saturday - did absolutely nothing during the day because of the blizzard we got. saturday night however, i got so sick of being in the house i decided i was gonna venture out to bestbuy and look at the camera i'm gonna get and maybe buy a few things. so...i thought i was going to do better in drew's truck, why? i have no idea...i'm a retard but anyway, i didnt even get out of the drive way and i still got stuck. so i was hopping in the 3 feet of snow having fun and drew comes to help me move the truck and clean of my car so that i can leave. well. i get to best buy and realize i don't have my phone. I KNOW its in the snow somewhere cause i didnt want to leave the house w/o it if i got in a wreck. so i'm REALLY peeved about that! got to best buy played with the camera for well over an hour and a half. LOVE the touch screen...very nice! then i picked up an mp3 player for ashley (which they were allllllll out of the colors except 2 black ones and on wed they had alot) and get ready to check out and boom, no debit card. i left it in drews truck. ACK! so i was peeved about that too!

sunday - drew and i get up early, get the kids ready and head to his moms house to go shopping. drew, her and i went to the best buy out east and they had tons of the mp3 players i was looking for EXCEPT they weren't on sale anymore. oh i was MAD. so i talked to a customer service person very nicely and they honored the sale price for me! how awesome huh!??! so after best buy we ventured out to walmart and the flea market. her husband loves stuff from there. he is very bikerish! loves skulls, half (even) naked ladies on tshirts those kind of things. well drew saw a computer for 230 and he talked the guy down to 180 so he go a computer...a used one of course and right now he cant get it work. so our weekend has been pretty interesting!

sigh! its almost christmas! i'm always ready for christmas to be here and be over and then when it is, i want it to come back! lol! i love shopping, the music, the family gatherings, the lil gifts, the looks of surprise, everything! i wish i could do that EVERY DAY! :P

well i'm making deviled eggs for a dinner tonight! and i'm doing laundry and i have to get ready and the kids ready all before 3 so this will be fun!!


Friday, December 21, 2007


so i usually take a few kids to school for some friends mine. the kids start winter break today and usually my friends call to ask me to watch their kids for special circumstances. well one of my friends had figured something else out for her kids during the break and the other friend i never heard from. so i figured she found someone else to watch her child. no, i was mistaken. she was here at 6am with her child. i was i watching him all day? and she was like yeah is that okay? what was i supposed to say, no take him home i have stuff to do today. no i cant say that so i said yeah its fine. but i'm still peeved. she didnt even respect me enough to call me the night before to make sure its okay.

so not only did that happen this morning, i got into a lil arguement with one of my mother in laws. drew is REALLY horrible about communicating things with me. especially important things. like for example....since he works 2 jobs he has a pretty much set schedule and i know it. well since spirit will be closed for winter break drew decided he is going to work at o'reillys. well he didn't tell me what does he was going to work or what time for that matter. so my mother in law asked me when my family would be able to have christmas with them. i told her ANY time because i had not heard from anyone else on specific times or places. so we settled on a time. yesterday i go to tell my other mother in law of the plans and she got upset. she was like "drew KNOWS that we have dinner EVERY year on christmas eve at 6 (other dinner is at 4) Mike (drews dad is remarried and this is the 4pm dinner plan) even knows that about our family. you need to call and tell them you wont make it" omg, seriously?!!? then last night i told drew about it and he says "well ican't make it to dads anyway cuz i work till 4" how am i supposed to know that?!?! drew claims he told me all of this a while back. NO no he did not. i wouldn't forget something like that. its the holidays and we have so many places to be as it is. i would remember.

ugh, so my morning has been stressful. the kids are tearing my house apart and i really need to go to the store. we are out of food. i'm starving. i'm tired. and just want to have a good christmas!

before i go, on a happy note i got the camera ordered last night. although i wont get it before christmas. i was bummed. ohwell. at least i get a cool stylish camera!

i will update more later how the situation goes!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


i'm so so excited! tonight when drew gets home we might be ordering me a digital camera! i have one now and it stinks. for MANY reasons. it was a hand me down (by a good owner i might add)it doesn't take the best of pictures. its huge. which i love the professional look and feel of digital cameras but i dont need a big one like that for everyday use. i really want a small compact digital that takes really good photos. i am not at all good at photoshop (at one point i was decent - made anabelle's announcements) and i dont want to spend clicking time on the computer making the pictures look good! and also when i go out i want to be able to take the camera with me in my purse!

so i found one that i like a lot. i am however just a tad skeptical of one feature. the touch screen. i love the idea of it. i'm just worried about it wearing down in time. which i guess buttons do too. the camera is red. one of my FAVORITE colors! its 8 megapixel (decent - not 12 but decent) and its got a higher optical zoom. 3.5 inch touch screen! amazing! a few other features really caught my eye. it has a smile detection feature. it wont take a picture until it gets a smile (which you can turn this feature on and off). another cool feature is you can set a grid up on your screen and take a picture and if a certain part of the picture that you want to be in focus IS NOT you can touch that part and it will focus it. how cool!! SOOOOO here's a pic of the beaut! it has mixed reviews but doesnt everything?!?!

its getting closer to christmas and i'm excited! i love this time of year even though it is stressful for us! but we always make it through!

nite nite all!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

crazy crazy crazy

so my mom and i ventured out to go window shopping and i am not looking forward to this saturday! this saturday is my day of last minute christmas shopping. it was just crazy and its the middle of the week at like 3 in the afternoon. are people off work already? i know that drew isn't on holiday vaca until monday so i don't know!

hopefully when drew and i do our shopping on sat we won't have to bring the kids, because that will make it REALLY hard to navigate thru places when we can just get in and get out! i already have ideas of what i want to get so that helps with the pace of things!

ashley (drews 8 year old daughter) is getting an mp3 player, an idog (very cute), a lil purse to carry the idog in, lol, i'm thinking a little tv to put in her and anabelle's room, some clothes and arts and crafts stuff! she loves loves loves coloring and drawing! so i'm going to run to hobby lobby and get her supplies! she already has a portable dvd player and the shrek3 movie.

anabelle i think i'm done with her! she already has a dora castle thing thats like a fold out doll house with 5 rooms that she can decorate with furniture that i bought her and dora mega blocks!

alex i am almost done for, i got him a work bench thing where he can hammer in nails and screw in nails and all kinds of stuff, i got him a hammer that makes noise as you bang it and what not. there is is the musical toy that i want to get him. he is such a dancer. anytime he is playing and a song comes blastin' on he stops EVERYTHING he is doing and dances. its so cute!!! i need to post video on here BADLY!

and for drew, i got him a 20" computer monitor and i don't know what else to get him. any other suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!

well thats all for now, alex seems to not want to go to bed, so i need to go see what is up with my lil man! nite nite!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

christmas time

so christmas time is soon to be here! i'm totally not ready! i have shopping to do still and tons of wrapping!! i still need to buy drew and i stockings! lol, that is just sad! we got the kids' stockings and i had wrapped presents and put them inside and not too soon after anabelle had them down and the presents unwrapped. she is so sneaky!

our first christmas dinner was announced today! christmas eve @ 4 with drew's dad and his wife. lets see how many more to this is going to be a busy year!

i would love to start a family tradition with my lil family i've got but i dont know what would be unique and fun to do! my kids are still so young they wouldn't get it, but i would like for drew and i to start something! we never did anything. we never had money, and really dont have money now, lol 7 years later and STILL broke. seriously, something needs to happen! maybe drew working 2 jobs will pay off! now that he works at spirit he will work a butt load of overtime and get a bunch of money rolling in! (this is where i feel bad for staying at home - not contributing to the money pot) BUT i know its better for the kids that i do stay home.

so my friend jennie started this thing with anabelle. the other night, anabelle was acting up for me and was acting HORRIBLE in front of jennie. so jennie says "if you dont be good for mommy i'm gonna call supernanny" oh my god, you should have seen the look on her face. she was SCARED. she said "i'm scared of supernanny" so now whenever she is acting bad i act like i call supernanny and anabelle freaks out....its funny but it still doesnt really work. she doesn't act good. i know she's only almost 3 but this girl is SMART. SMART SMART SMART. she is like a little adult. its crazy. and scary. i really hope she grows out of this stage. when alex gets bigger he's gonna make life interesting. FOR EVERYONE. especially anabelle. he's going to get her back for all the times she picked on him. she is ruthless with him. but he'll get her. and its gonna be comical!

well my hubby is going to be home soon. listenin' to the christmas music. makes me bright and cheery!

poems that i have written

the red door

brush strokes of red, candy apple red
smooth against the skin of maple wood.
soon to be dry, not ready for the first push.
clean brush strokes made for innocence.

the first push could cause a rain
a rain so hard it washes it all away.
the fresh paint so brilliant and true.
please allow it to stay so pure...and simple.

a thumb print could cause an artist to be named
maybe not famous, just taking the virginity
that everyone will know and understand
the red door has fresh and smooth strokes.

wait...for the paint to dry, so beautiful.
the red door before the rain.



sun shining brightly over green meadows
enless times of pure serenity.
life so full of beginnings and future
the meadow soaking it up like a sponge.

a wrinkle in time holds the hope
of forever endless unconditional love.
love so strong yet scary all in one turn.
to lose it so soon would be the biggest fear.

smoky essense of life reveals an aroma
of temporary sanity.
worlds collide so strong, causing a wrinkle
in time for those who are insane.

being sane would mean to lose it all.
the sun, the meadows, the serenity,
the beginnings the future and the love.
patienly waiting for that wrinkle in time.


two worlds, one universe.

two worlds, one universe.
so hard to feel and show.
missing is believeing that its possible,
just possible to make it through.

where does the path lead and how?
why so hard then easy?
just wishing a break would come
and the two worlds would become one.

romancing the idea of wonderfulness.
tired of breaking, yelling, crying and hating.
looking to the bright sun, wondering
could life be that consuming of safety.

dark sky full of years and years of
falling stars, stars that make a mark in history.
will this life be a raining shower of starry
blissfull lessons? and how will the lesson end?

two worlds, one universe.
how will it grow? pondering on the thought.
hoping for a forever ending

I hope you enjoy them as much as i did writing them!
more to come soon!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

a new blog!

its been quite some time since i last posted! for a while we lost internet and we recently just got it back....i almost forgot my log on email! whoops!

okay! the last 6 months! lets see, i quit work at the beginning of june to become a stay at home momma! the sitters i was going thru was not up to my standards and so i decided to take action! my kids need my presense anyway! i will admit its been a tough transformation but i do love it! to get to see all the new things as they happen is wonderful! i do miss work sometimes, prob only for the adult interaction, hehe!

october (i know i jumped a few months but i'm just penpointing events that i remember) drew and i went with some family to mexico. BEAUTIFUL place! we stayed in playa del carmen and went to conzumel, cancun and tulum. tulum was awesome! the beach there is by far the best beach i've ever been to! and that prob doesnt say much cuz i havent been to many but still! i will have to post pics!

november drew got really sick with menengitus. he was in the hospital for a week and off a work a month. it was a bad deal and VERY scary at that! if we would've waited any longer to take him to the dr's office he would have went into a coma. thank goodness he wasnt feeling stubborn that day. after his hospital visit he was sent home with an iv in his arm and we had to make trips up to the hospital 2 times a day for 11 days. interesting! so now he is back to work and working the mother load! 18 hrs a day!

we have our christmas tree up and are ready for christmas!!!

i will post pics as soon as i can!