Monday, December 17, 2007

a new blog!

its been quite some time since i last posted! for a while we lost internet and we recently just got it back....i almost forgot my log on email! whoops!

okay! the last 6 months! lets see, i quit work at the beginning of june to become a stay at home momma! the sitters i was going thru was not up to my standards and so i decided to take action! my kids need my presense anyway! i will admit its been a tough transformation but i do love it! to get to see all the new things as they happen is wonderful! i do miss work sometimes, prob only for the adult interaction, hehe!

october (i know i jumped a few months but i'm just penpointing events that i remember) drew and i went with some family to mexico. BEAUTIFUL place! we stayed in playa del carmen and went to conzumel, cancun and tulum. tulum was awesome! the beach there is by far the best beach i've ever been to! and that prob doesnt say much cuz i havent been to many but still! i will have to post pics!

november drew got really sick with menengitus. he was in the hospital for a week and off a work a month. it was a bad deal and VERY scary at that! if we would've waited any longer to take him to the dr's office he would have went into a coma. thank goodness he wasnt feeling stubborn that day. after his hospital visit he was sent home with an iv in his arm and we had to make trips up to the hospital 2 times a day for 11 days. interesting! so now he is back to work and working the mother load! 18 hrs a day!

we have our christmas tree up and are ready for christmas!!!

i will post pics as soon as i can!


Anonymous said...

yay. i'm so glad you're back! i've missed you!