Saturday, April 5, 2008


so i haven't posted in quite some time! i feel bad for not doing it sooner.

friday - i helped with hosting a babyshower with my sister here at my house. more people showed up than we were expecting. it was a nice turn out. i feel like everyone is pregnant!! i better stay away from the water!
[ashley - 32 weeks along]

[measure the belly game]

[shirt that says "caution will eat sand"]

[this lil boy, mark, liked anabelle A LOT]

saturday - started off with dance class. we are doing dance again this time around. we dont think we will be ready in time for riverfest so we will be doing a recital! still fun! we are dancing to fergie [clumsy]. i'm soooo sooo excited!

we are dog sitting for drew's brother in law. buddy is a lab/rot mix. he is the sweetest dog ever. i love this dog. he is also protective. its awesome! anyway!

not much to update i told ya!!