Tuesday, November 10, 2009

horrible me!

so i failed the blog for 30 days challenge. lol. my weekend was incredibly busy. i felt like i hardly sat down at all!

here is a little quiz thing i got from a friend of mines blog, laura, she is so creative! check her out sometime!

1. What are your middle names? mine is ann and his is shelby

2. How long have you been together? almost 9 years. wow!

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? for about 2 years.

4. Who asked who out? he asked me. i kind of hinted about us but he asked me!

5. How old are each of you? we are both 26, but i'm older by 4 months. and he reminds me all the time how close to 30 i am. lol.

6. Did you go to the same school? no we sure didnt. but we had mutual friends that went to the same school as i went to. so it was crazy that we didnt know eachother sooner.

7. Are you from the same home town? yes

8. Who is the smartest? him for sure. lol. its not even a question!

9. Who majored in what? neither one of us attended college. i did for a semester but thats it.

10. Who is the most sensitive? i am totally. he has his sensitive spots but mostly me for sure!

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? mexico!

12. Who has the worst temper? lol. we both have a terrible temper. but i would say he is calming down a lot more as he gets older. LOL. me on the other hand need to take a few lessons i believe!

13. How many children do you want? we have 2 kids together and he has 1 from a previous relationship and we are through. unless of course and OOPS happens. hehe!

14. Who does the cooking? we both do. i do more of it of course because i stay at home and he works his butt off but when he cooks, he makes a mean meal! i love his cooking! i miss it actually!

15. Who is more social? he is pretty social. i am to when i want to be. i guess if i am in a mood then i wont be as social but i can be pretty outgoing!

16. Who is the neat freak? well, thats a funny subject. i say neither but he will tell you HIM! lol.

17. Who is the most stubborn? we both are. very equal on this one! makes for a hard understanding in an argument!

18. Who wakes up earlier? i do! he works 2nd shift!

19. Where was your first date? our first date was at semolinas on 21st and tyler. its now senor tequila or something like that. anyway it was valentines day 2001 and we had a wonderful time! aww!

20. Who has the bigger family? he does! my family is extremely tiny. not many!

21. Do you get flowers often? not really. i'm not big on flowers i suppose. they die so soon. if they lasted months and months than maybe i could see a reason for getting them. they are def. beautiful!

22. How do you spend the holidays? oh it really just depends on who has what going on. since my family is so tiny there usually is nothing going on so we usually meet up with my parents whenever. and his family is the one that has to fight over who has what holidays [divorce]. lol.

23. Who is more jealous? me. i would of said both of us a long time ago, but like the amazing man he is, he is growing up!

24. How long did it take to get serious? well, it took us 2 years and he would have loved for it to have been sooner, but i valued our friendship ALOT and was afraid of losing him all together if we wouldnt of worked out as a couple. he is an amazing human being and i didnt want to lose him!

25. Who eats more? he does. but i'm sure he would like to throw in a little joke about how i eat a lot or something. lol.

26. What do you do for a living? he works as a mechanic for spirit aerosystems [2nd shift] and i am a home maker/photographer. i'm just starting to get things rollin' on my photography business. we'll see where that takes us!

27. Who does the laundry? oh i do! but i have my funk days where the laundry piles sky high and he MIGHT have to start a load and i'll finish it up. but its rare these days!

28. Who's better with the computer? oh him def. lol. he's my computer geek!

29. Who drives when you are together? him, hands down. he loves to drive. its a rare occasion if i drive!

30. What is your song? from this moment by shania twain. we have LOTS though. but that is our song now and forever. he heard a song on the radio a while ago and posted it on fb for me and i tear up EVERYTIME i hear. i purposefully started listing to country radio stations JUST so i can hear this song. its by trace adkins 'all i ask for anymore.'

well there ya have it! hope you enjoyed it!