Friday, February 29, 2008

my hair.

so i tried cutting my own bangs. and at first i couldn't stop crying. i was so upset with myself. i should have waited. well tomorrow i have an appt to get them trimmed up and to get the rest of my hair trimmed. i'm excited. i'm going to a girl i went to high school with and she seems like one that i will be able to trust completely with my hair. i haven't been to a stylist since before alex was born because i'm so nervous about my hair. my last hair stylist i lost contact with and the one before that (that i absolutely loved and trusted) moved away! so i'm crossing my fingers for a good experience!! anyway. here is a before picture. one where i attempted the cut myself! i'll post a pic tomorrow of the new do!


Anonymous said...

i think they look great..and cant wait to see your "new do" :)

Anonymous said...

i think they look great..and cant wait to see your "new do" :)